Monday 5 March 2012


There is no reason to add MERCURY to vaccines, but to poison your system and make it weak. This is so that when, plague hits, you will die easier.

Mercury is a heavy metal and a POISON.

ASPARTAME, which is known carcinogenic, is also added to vaccines. Vaccines contain tens of poisons and viruses to destroy your immune system and give you cancer.

The government doesn't care that it will come out, just like Hitler didn't care if people will learn about concentration camps and mass murder. Once it commences, it will be all out WAR ON PEOPLE!

25 years ago, certain bible scholar told me that, bible prophecies, that people will look for help and protection of the governments, but the governments will instead turn against the people to crush them!

It didn't make sense then, it makes sense NOW! Also, she told me that there will be HUGE war between two blocks or superpowers. She identified them as RUSSIA and CHINA VS. USA !!!

Look what is happening now! She told me that the RUSSIA and CHINA block will NOT want to fight, but it will be dragged out to war, as you would drag a dragon with a hook in his nostrills.

Better buy unperishables, especially HONEY, as it doesn't go bad after 2000 years and half of the bees in north america are already dead due to chem-trails spraying of ALUMINIUM, with addition of STRONTIUM and BARIUM: strong poisons.

Better be prepared, don't be like those fools who, go out of their way to persuade You NOT to be prepared. That's how stupid they are. They are indeed the cattle to be slaughtered, as prophecied in the Bible. Most people on Earth will die. That means at least 4 billions. (1/4 to plagues alone)

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