Friday 17 February 2012


It's time to demand that, judges and prosecutors are held ACCOUNTABLE for their crimes! It's not OK when, the people who are supposed to defend us are oppressing us! Forcing us to take whatever action is necessary to remove them!

It's common for judges and prosecutors to steal our taxpayers money to pay themselves inflated salaries, while they trample our human rights. Prosecuting us for invented "crimes" like "urinating in public" "posession of controlled substance" "prostitution", cutting a tree in your own back yard, or inability to pay exorbitant fines!

E.g if you can't pay $1000 penalty for first time DUI then, the penalty is up to $10.000 OR up to 5 years in prison! SCANDAL!

Maybe they should break their own children piggy bank to get the money, because they think that money grows on trees!

It's time to get them. Get those that, are incompetent fired! E.g prosecutor in New Westminster, Canada, would go like a hyena after a poor immigrant, who's taxes pay the prosecutors inflated and undeserved salary. Yet this same prosecutor would cowardly refuse to prosecute Steven Harper, the premier, for TREASON! Harper disclosed confidential and sensitive informations about Canadians to America, which is also known as TREASON!

This judge and prosecutor both refused to break illegal monopoly of ICBC insurance corporation!

They also refused to prosecute ICBC for fraud. ICBC is extorting 2000 cdn for FAKE "safety course" and $2000 cdn for pathetic passive immobilizer for DUI drivers. This device is as complicated as $ 1.50 calculator from dollar store, yet they extort $2000 for it. 
ICBC can do that because, judges and prosecutors are cowardly skunks that, create this stinking system. They are part of it and they benefit from corruption and getting appointed by their crooked buddies.

This "judge" St. Pierre, has to be purged from our legal system, because he is an insult to justice and disgrace to manking. Their existance is a blasphemy against healthy society. He lied on record that, provincial court in Victoria, B.C can OVERRIDE the constitution!!!

Then he lied again that, supreme court of Canada can legally OVERRIDE THE CONSTITUTION! 
He needs to be SHOT FOR TREASON! And legally, any citizen of Canada has the right to do it...

Meanwhile, you can bet that he has 2 pictures of "sponsored children" so that, he can present himself to his family and friends as a noble person. He is a wolf in sheep skin, belongs to "tribe of vipers" and certainly Masons, who are all wolves in sheep skin. They cover up by having both, the prosecutor and the judge to be members.

This way our legal system became a farse. No one has to obey the law, since the law became unreasonable.
It's the "politician of the election month" that, tries to suck up to voters by campaigning for the current popular law issue.

I don't believe in peacefull protesting because, it DOESN'T WORK! That's why corrupted media are endorsing it. The media belong to super rich criminal mafia, consisting of billionaires, politicians, judges, prosecutors, police and military generals.Most of whom are probably masons?

As US senator said: "Politicians are cowards and judges are even bigger cowards than politicians!".

Judges are wolves in sheep skin, "tribe of vipers", liars and HYPOCRITES, who persecute the poor, yet they  are ENABLERS for massive FRAUD SCHEMES and they cover up for their buddies in government. SCANDAL!

When was the last time you heard of government official being prosecuted and judged for CORRUPTION, EMBEZZLEMENT OR THEFT? NEVER!

We need a system to remove those legal PUKES from the usurped positions of authority. Judges and prosecutors must be ELECTED AND NOT APPOINTED, by crooked politicians, who later expect favours.

Judges LACK judgement. They are incompetent DRONES. Prosecutors are cowards and lockeyes of judges. Neither have dignity or decency. They are just polite because, it's their way of faking it.

It's time to create a Movement that, will drag those psychopathic criminals our of the courts, with their heads banging on the stairs.

Maybe it's time for Communist Party of Canada? What do you think?

The reason why communist system is turning rogue is that, CONSTITUTION is not respected! Now capitalism is following and we need to stop it!

Constitution is the KEY to our rights! 


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