Tuesday 21 February 2012


NO. They knew that peaceful protests are for cattle. Americans were NOT cattle THEN. How about now?

Media belong to super rich criminals, who indeed are sort of white collar MAFIA. They act like a bully. No bully will stop bullying simply because, they were politely asked to. This idiocy has to stop.

Media does the work of the bullies, having the nerve to commend you on NOT resisting! Just how stupid are you? It's typical for Prosecutors to thank their victims for "cooperation" or to say something positive. This is just because, they are affraid of revenge, which is the only way they can learn that, abuse doesn't pay.

Their names and pictures have to be published on the internet pages. Those pages have to be replicated and the list updated. Those who don't measure up or betray constitution must be fired. Therefore we must have a system that,  FIRES the incompetent. This system would be based on internet voting. Any judge or prosecutor should be ELECTED and NOT APPOINTED by his cronies, who will later get favours from them.

Higher level of government is deeply connected with their economic masters: bankers and billionaires.
Your can "peacefully protest" in America, while packing a gun. Tell me, how many "peaceful" protesters would be arrested while, carrying a loaded gun?

I don't think many... >:)  

On the other hand, no one respects peaceful cattle. Cattle are herded like... cattle.

Americans: don't be cattle! The evil are not united. They pray on misinformation and fear. It's time they taste their own medicine...

This shit is gotta go!

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