Tuesday 21 February 2012


Evolution is science fiction that, is created to turn away from God people who's understanding of science is anegdotal or rudimentary at best. Otherwise you would know that, there is no evidence for evolution and that it contradicts itself on every point. Evolutinists are too primitive to understand even the concept of "evidence".

For example:

There is no transitional forms between humans and monkeys. Yet the very essence of evolution is about constantly evolving, therefore there would be NO clean cut species. There would be not few hundred of separate species of spiders, for example. LOL. Evolution is childish and it's for gullible people, who fancy themselves to be "scientific". The only science they know, it's from their TV and corrupted media, owned by few rich psychopaths, who are so affraid of being punished by God for their crimes, they NEED to DENY his existance with all they've got! lol! :)

Creation IS SCIENCE. There are thousands of videos and articles proving it all over youtube and forums. You just refuse to admit, as you are evil, you want to be god yourself and you are too affraid to allow yourself to think. You are too stupid to realize that, most people DON'T believe in media or "evolution". You are too cowardly to ignore those few stupid cynics, who are too stupid to tell right from wrong, so in their idiocy, they RIDICULE EVERYTHING, believing that they appear "smart".

They only appear smart to fools and cowards. Live with that, if you can't face the truth and change your ways.

This is your life we are talking about. Choose life. Don't be a retard who chooses loaded gun in russian roulette, vs. a gun that may be loaded, but it's believed that it's not. Get it? Got it? If it wasn't you would know, that there is no evidence for evolution and that it contradicts itself on every point.
For example:
There is no transitional forms between humans and monkeys. Yet the very essence of evolution is about constantly evolving, therefore there would be NO clean cut species. There would be not few hundred of separate species of spiders, for example. LOL. Evolution is childish and it's for gullible people, who fancy themselves to be "scientific". The only science they know, it's from their TV and corrupted media, owned by few rich psychopaths, who are so affraid of being punished by God for their crimes, they NEED to DENY his existance with all they've got! lol! :)

Creation IS SCIENCE. There are thousands of videos and articles proving it all over youtube and forums. You just refuse to admit, as you are evil, you want to be god yourself and you are too affraid to allow yourself to think. You are too stupid to realize that, most people DON'T believe in media or "evolution". You are too cowardly to ignore those few stupid cynics, who are too stupid to tell right from wrong, so in their idiocy, they RIDICULE EVERYTHING, believing that they appear "smart".

They only appear smart to fools and cowards. Live with that, if you can't face the truth and change your ways.

This is your life we are talking about. Choose life. Don't be a retard who chooses loaded gun in russian roulette, vs. a gun that may be loaded, but it's believed that it's not. Get it? Got it?

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