Tuesday 21 February 2012


JUSTICE is universal and eternal. It doesn't change with politician of the month. Justice doesn't care about popularity. Justice is about REASON. Justice is about FAIRNESS.

It's about not doing unto others as we don't want to be done to us. It's what Jesus taught.

LAW is invented by unreasonable people, who are catering to the current mood of the crowd. Law differs from country to country and government to government. Even year to year. It changes as it is established by the current authorities. It has no reason or respect for human rights. It's a whim of unelected, but appointed politician or authority.

It's was represented best by Pharisees, who kept inventing thousands of laws to torture citizens with them! Meanwhile they were the most corrupted crooks! Just like todays politicians, judges and prosecutors. Wolves in sheep skin. This is who the Bible referred to!

Judges and Prosecutors MUST be elected,  NOT appointed because, this is the only way to remove the possibility of corrupting them by politicians and the corrupted rich!

We the PEOPLE, must be able to FIRE THEM ON THE SPOT, if they abuse their authority. This is WAR for our freedom and we won't let go. We are LEGION!

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