Tuesday 21 February 2012


ICBC is illegal monopoly. It's a government owned insurance company. The government of British Columbia is illegally preventing competition by refusing to allow other insurance companies to operate in British Columbia.

Then ICBC can charge double the rate and get away with it. I suppose somebody is getting paid. ICBC extorts $2000 for fraudulent "safety course". A high school level course that, teaches nothing but you have to attend it over 1 year! I am blowing a whistle on INTIMIDATION TACTIC to PREVENT WHISTLE BLOWING by allowing ICBC instructor to FAIL you at their whim!!!

"Judge" DaVid St. Pierre of New Westminster law courts, threatened me that, he can write management of ICBC and they can arbitrarily DENY giving me my licence back FOREVER!!!
That's in addition of taking away my licence for at least several years, instead of 1 year, which as we know is illegall and a crime!

Therefore David St. Pierre is a CRIMINAL and has to be dishonorably FIRED!

We can't tolerate violation of human rights, as the crazy cows from MADD are not going to stop unless we stop them!
They are legally INSANE, as that's what their name MEANS! Insane people have NO LEGAL right to enable or suggest any laws! Any politician that, works as their "agent" or proxy is committing a crime and must be punished!

Laws are created by sane citizens, not by MADDly insane, thoughtless cows. I am not impressed by fake commercials with paid actress talking about her "parents", while two different photos of her "parents" are running in the background. Then they show a demolished car from irrelevant accident. Honest people don't need to pay actors, they can show real people.
However, the issue isn't about drinking and driving. It's a ABUSE OF HUMAN rights, pretentiously posing as "saving some little girls life".

Not one of those DUI's killed anyone because, then they would be tried for VEHICULAR MANSLAUGHTER!!! 

MADD is a hatred organization of hysterical spinsters. It started with one madd cow, who infected every other mother with her hatred to irrelevant people.

Do the criminally insane law for DUI work? Well, if you remove 23000 drivers a year... ANY DRIVERS... then of course you will have less accidents, simply because 100.000 drivers can't drive in the next 5 years alone. Now, if a husband can't drive and therefore loses his job, he can't pay mortgage.

Now, what about those little girls and spouses, who lose their home, life savings and inheritance? How about those people who get so depressed after losing job and home, that they commit suicide??? How many of those 100.000 committed suicide? How many of their spouses, simply couldn't bear the fact of losing their homes at 60 years of age with no savings or equity?

What about giving drivers criminal record for life? Disabling them from working for government, working with children, volunteering, issuing stocks for business or getting investors? How about inability to travel to USA, since the American crazies are crazier then, Canadian crazies, you can't travel to USA with "criminal record"!

How about extorting $2000 for passive immobilizer that you need to blow in order to make the car start? It's a FRAUD because, it's a $2 device, no more complicated than a CALCULATOR from dollar store. ICBC is illegal MONOPOLY that, cowardly prosecutors and judges refuse to break! COWARDLY GEEKS!
You can't get hunting licence and own a gun. If you have one, your licence won't be renewed!

How about INABILITY TO PAY TAXES? This is where idiocy of those retards excels fiction: They cheerfully removed 100.000 taxpayers in 5 years. Like an idiot sitting on a branch and cutting it down while laughing!

Now, those 100.000 people have lesser income, which is also illegal for government to do: penalty can't remove person's ability to WORK or, force you out of your learned profession into unskilled labour! Those judges and prosecutors should be shot for treason of Constitution.

Giving a person "criminal record" for DUI is backstabbing for indefinite time. The record never disappears, but after 5 years a person can "apply" for (!)  "PARDON"! Those judging and accusing swines have the  audacity to force people to "apply" for "pardon" as if YEARS OF DENIAL OF DRIVER'S LICENCE, LOSING HOME, LOSING JOB, CRIMINALIZATION, LOSING SAVINGS, LOSS OF INCOME, LOSS OF FREEDOM OF MOBILITY, HARASSMENT and on and on, WASN'T ENOUGH?!

YOU SKUNKS! Your thoughtless "laws" are bullshit and they stink! MAY YOU BREAK YOUR LEGS AND DIE PROLONGED AND HORRYFIC DEATH, including your worthless offspring. There is no "light" when you die. You are going into darkness. Just ask those who saw death. And you will suffer beyond comprehension. And there is no forgiveness for you, since to forgive you, God would have to trample the prayers of hundreds of people against each of you. God will not deny us the justice. You are going to hell. bye bye "judges" and "prosecutors". You tribe of vipers and wolves in sheep skin.

I pray daily for your horryfic death. I remind God that, you are the Pharisees, who killed his Son. I ask God NOT to have mercy on your soul. I ask God to remember that, judges and prosecutors are incorrigible and unrepentant scum. Taking pleasure in being mean spirited and "hollier than thou", while committing hundreds of crimes a year, imposing invented "crimes" and inflating importance of infractions. Judges casually disrespect the CONSTITUTION and LIE on the record about how they can "override" the Constitution. As "judge" David St. Pierre of New West, B.C, Canada said!


Constitution is not polite suggestion, but it's the supreme law of the land. Refusal to obey constitution must be punished by firing the politicians, judges and prosecutors, as they are the root of all evil.

No evil would exist, if judges and prosecutors would do their jobs! But their incompetence, cowardice and gullibility takes over their sense of justice.

And because they are lockeyes of the rich and politicians, they do favours to them by NOT prosecuting or stopping them from corruption!

Therefore PROSECUTORS and JUDGES MUST BE ELECTED, and NOT APPOINTED by crooked politicians, who in turn are "ELECTED" BY FAKE "VOTING" manipulated by themselves and the rich buddies who own the media. E.g all media in USA belong to FOUR corporations! SCANDAL!

In Canada, Conrad Black owns 56 major newpapers. Now, who elects the president??? Who's your daddy?

This bullshit has to GO! NOW! Peacefully or NOT!

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