Friday 2 March 2012


"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, make the violent revolution inevitable". - Martin Luther King.

No one will give you your rights. Your rights is what you enforce! "Enforce" includes force! That's why big business which, owns media commends "peaceful protesters", because they are cattle! They are easily hearded, beaten and dispersed, without achieving anything!

Mark my words: Politicians, Judges, Prosecutors, Police and corrupted businessmen, will be slaughtered like swines. This revolution already started in USA. It's spreading around the world. This time, it's going to be world wide!

While I don't want to see anarchy and its savage violence, this unfortunately is the option that, the Corrupted chose for US and for themselves.

"Pride walks before fall" - Bible.  The Corrupted think that, the money that, they made by stealing public funds, illegal connections, bribes and favours, will protect them from people's fury. As if it did in Russian or French revolution or all the uprisings, coups and changes of governments and political systems. They are ignorant fools that, only win because, they prevent honest and smart people from competing with them.

Notice that, they illegally impose "laws", "licences" and "permits" to prevent free enterprise from being FREE!
Free Market doesn't exist. It it did, they would be nobodies, which is who they are! NO ONE would make business with those worms! No one would vote for crooked, sleazy politicians.
The Corrupted think that, the more money they have, the smarter they are. They lie to themselves that, they made their money and position because they were "smart", while they made it because they lied, cheated, accepted and given bribes in money and favours and lies were dripping off their lips. They break the law as their standard procedure. They use the law to torture people with it just like Pharisees in Jesus' time did!

Those Pharisees, must be eliminated by any means. No mercy for them.

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