Thursday 1 March 2012

ICBC is a FRAUD connected to top Canadian government.

The government of Canada, including Stephen Harper, Gordon Campbell and whoever was in charge, collaborated with this scheme. In fact, they were the ENABLERS for ICBC fraud.

The government prevents competition by illegally OUTLAWING IT in violation of ANTIMONOPOLY LAWS OF CANADA!


This is a crime! We must enforce accountability of government and crown corporations!
Those responsible for this crime must be held accountable and tried!

One of ICBC fraudulent schemes involves fake "safety" courses, that are involuntarily forced. No one voluntarily WASTES his money on this BULLSHIT!
They are a waste of time and are of lesser level than, community college continuing education courses, that cost $100 dollars and NOT 2700 !!!

In addition ICBC extorts 2000 dollars for passive immobilizer based on alcohol reading. Similar devices cost $20 dollars in cold beer and wine stores!
The Judges and Prosecutors are therefore guilty of  "THEFT OVER 1000 dollars". We will force the prosecution of those responsible for preventing competition and enabling ICBC extortion, after illegally monopolizing car insurance market!

The only answer is DIRECT DEMOCRACY. We vote online today, crooked judge David St. Pierre is FIRED TOMORROW! Then prosecuted for hundreds of crimes that, he illegally committed by violating the constitution and reason!


Under the DUI law, ICBC illegally demands that, unless you complete their fraudulent and scandalically overpriced "safety" course. It can do so because. IT'S ILLEGAL MONOPOLY!

You also have to install fraudulently overpriced, cheap passive immobilizer that, is "made in chine" for few bucks. I just saw one like this for 20 dollars in liquor store.
Nobody like ME ever picked up the issue of THEFT, CORRUPTION AND FRAUD in Canadian government, this lie and theft is flourishing.

In fact, the government inspired by CRAZY organization that, calls itself "MAD" (hint, hint), is depriving
23 000 people a year the right to drive.
Those people can't pay taxes, which hits YOU, because now YOU have to pay those taxes and YOU have to pay those people Unemployment benefits.

How stupid is THAT?

This is violation of human rights and violation of Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, which is Canadian Constitution.

The victim is also criminalized for life, since DUI even for 1st time offenders, gives a person "Criminal Record". This prevents people from working for government, security companies, getting contracts, being bondable, opening certain businesses, getting hunting licence, travelling to USA (you can't travel to USA, because, creep judge gave you "criminal record"-remember? The crooked worm isn't worthy to tied up your shoe laces, but he gives YOU, "criminal record". Those judges and prosecutors need to be eliminated.

The list of abuse goes on and on, but the fact that the "authorities" lie about the extend of violations proves that, this is not a mistake but mean spirited insane action ("MAD").

When people run over red light or stop sign,  they could have killed someone, but nobody gets any serious penalty, but at most few hundred dollar fine! The same is true for drag racing! The same is true changing lanes without signalling!

What a hipocrisy. DUI is used for demonization, because nobody wants to defend this issue. People are affraid that, they will be called names like drunks, alcoholics, bad drivers, killers etc. That includes judges, prosecutors and the police, who are known drinkers.

Histerical mad cows from MADD, use callous manipulation tactic, so common to women: guilt trips, shaming, sympathy leeching.  Prosecutors and Judges are GULLIBLE SUCKERS. Those house wives take those incompetent suckers for a trip. Judges are cheerfully removing ability to pay taxes from 23.000 drivers a year. That's 100.000 in the last 5 years. Now add spouses, children, family, friends and how many people will decide NOT to pay taxes? This is just the stupidity of DUI laws. What about many other laws?

No wonder Canada is deep in debt and can't pay interest on it's debt, just like USA. Stupidity rules in government and that's why we have to REMOVE IT.

They are like crazy idiot, who cuts the branch of which he is sitting because, it's the taxes that, pay those parasitic prosecutors and judges their UNDESERVED AND INFLATED wages!This bullshit lying that it's 1 year suspension, when it is few years. At least 2 years, usually 4 and in many cases indefinitely, as the victim is barred from performing his trade, loses home.

Preventing people from doing their profession as a "punishment" is a CRIME!!! Prosecutors and Judges are CRIMINALS, who violate constitution and must be punished by DEATH!


We must change the law, so that we can start KILLING the Violators.

Many people can't pay mortgages and lose all the EQUITY that they had. That means that spouses and innocent children lose their share and inheritance because of some "mad" cow, who thinks that having someone killed by a car makes her special and she has the right to inflict mean spirited "laws" to irrelevant  cases.

This is an insult to justice and disgrace to human kind. There are 100 000 people in Canada alone affected in the last 5 years. Those people are income earners, who usually depend on a car, as their primary tool for work and commuting.

Let's stop allowing small lobbys inflict their half-baked, hatred fuelled ideas to pollute our laws.
Not to mention, that preventing people from working and forcing people to lower paid work is illegal because, it violated Constitution about Cruel and Unusual Punishment.
Losing life savings in equity in home, getting criminal record for life, which prevents from many activities and travel, is also illegal.

The government turned against us, THE PEOPLE. It needs to be dissolved and a new system has to be created.  "MAD" will be sued for damages and loss of property as a result of illegally creating laws based on advice of MAD people, which is acting as an agent for insane people, which is also illegal.

The government is so messed up, because it FAILED to obey the constitution and judges become not men of PRINCIPLES but men of TECHNICALITIES.

tfu! *spit!*

1 comment:

  1. I lost my license 10 years ago for 50 years after being hit by another driver. I had 3 beer and no lawyer and because it was after that fellow got away with killing 12 people in Vancouver, MADD was mad and examples had to be made to appease them. Most of those 'mothers' lost their children because they were too busy with bullshit to raise their kids generating shit hook kids who killed themselves. Try reasoning with failures is harder than herding cats. Try getting MADD's financials, I assure you like all charities people are getting rich. I digress; I was sued by ICBC for $1,000,000 and have an email stating I must pay the amount in full to obtain a drivers license,(reasonable don't you think? 2 years prison for a first offence, they did try to give me 5 but since no one died) which is essential for my work as a mechanic, hell to be frank any work in Canada requires a license. I now live on the streets, my career, is over, I am unable to get work, (over qualified for even menial work) my family reviles me, my friends have continued on as I have no chance to succeed along with them, (I had good friends, good people) they simply move fast and I can no longer keep up. I no longer enjoy good health. The last decade has affected my health, both physical and mental. ICBC has taken everything that was me, destroyed my past, present and future (also they have contributed to the shortage of trades people) I have no hope and therefore nothing. I no longer live and yet my heart stills beats, and with every beat left those responsible will regret not securing this life sentence with death. I made a mistake I understand yet I am not sinful. I now choose wrath and vengeance is all that is left. ICBC is governed by no one and beyond the scope of lawyers, MLA's, judges, truth and justice, (I tried everything). Good luck with yours, my approach will be more direct. V is for vendetta.
